

Hello I'm Maddy and this is my third Inquiry project, in my grade 10 Geography class. The city I picked is Kyoto, Japan. My 2 pieces of knowledge: Known for its traditional wooden houses, and temples Part of the kansai region

Underlying questions

My underlying questions are: 1. What is the cities megacity rank? 2. What urban function does it have 3. What urban sustainability issues does the city have? 4. What is the city's history? I picked this question because I've wanted to know and because it's cool to know how such an old city was settled and why. 5. Why I chose Kyoto I picked this question because I picked Kyoto for a reason, not just random.

What is the city's megacity ranking?

The city of Kyoto has seven characteristics out of 12, making it a gamma city. 1. There is no other Kyoto, so its on first name bases 2. The city has buses, subways, and bullet trains connecting it to other large cities 3. Free wifi around the city  4. World renowned university 5. Kyoto's international film and art festival  6. Hosting the rugby world cup 7. Kyoto Sanga football team

What urban function does it have?

This thousand year old city is known for its many types of textile production. Anything from woven, braided, silk, and even dying. The city also is known for its temples, which creates many tourism spots for people all over Japan and even from other parts of the world. Kyoto is a main transportation hub in western Japan

What urban sustainability issues does the city have?

Kyoto doesn't have huge sustainability issues but main issue is climate change. Climate change affect their forests, fishers, agriculture, and land that many people depend on to live. Deforestation is also a problem in the city. So Kyoto started a protocol to lower the levels of greenhouse gases. It was based on the scientific consensus that global warming is occurring and that it mostly humans fault. it was first thought of in December 1997 but was put to action in February 2005.    

What is the citys history?

Kyoto was settled in the 7th century. In 794 it was the capital of Japan going by the name Heian-kyo. It stayed the seat for the imperial house, until Emperor Meiji departed to rule in the new capital of Tokyo. Because it was the capital it played a important role., even after it was no longer the capital.  Most of the city was destroyed in the Onin War. The Onin War was a civil war from 1467-1477 during the Muromachi period. Kyoto was rebuilt as a cultural ,religious, educational and economic center.  

Why I chose Kyoto

I chose Kyoto because I've always loved Japanese culture, its so different from our lifestyle. I feel like they have a lot more meaning to how they live their life, we do things because its easier not because its the traditional way. I'm also obsessed with the landscapes in Japan, I think cherry blossoms are so beautiful, and the mountains are just not the same as here in Canada. I've always wanted to live there ever since I knew what Japan was. It looks like a happier place there, its my dream to be able to live and be happy there.